Trevor Jary - 15/11/03
The News - 30/03/01
Jesus Christ Superstar
Joseph & the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat

The News, Friday 30 March 2001

Jesus, in Southampton next week, is a Norwegian. Arvid Larsen plays the title role in Jesus Christ
superstar at the Mayflower from Tuesday until April 21. He's not a practising Christian but finds the
gospel story intriguing. He has previously been in Godspell in Norway, played the title role in
Joseph & the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat on a UK tour & understudied Jesus in Superstar
in Britain & Europe. Arvid, 30, moved to England 8 years ago to train at the Guilford School of Acting
because Norway has no tradition of big musicals.

What is the attraction of the role?

It's within my range vocally, but I also always wanted to do it because the musical deals with the human side of Jesus. In his own eyes, he was just a man, although obviously he was a very special man.

What do you bring to the role from your own personality?

I think I am quite a calm person and I try to bring that to the role. I think Jesus must have a very strong
inner glow, some inner peace & power.

How do you deal with the stresses of live performances?

You have to take care of yourself, especially on tour. I try to stay in places where I can cook for myself
and have some sort of routine.

What are the attractions of film & TV, apart from better pay?

It would be a great challenge.

Which actors do you most admire?

I love small productions with no big names in them. But I love watching lots of great film actors such as
Kevin Spacey who have got 'it' - something it's impossible to define.

What are you proudest of in your career?

It must be this

What TV series would you most like to be in?

I wouldn't turn down a cameo in Friends, and I would love to do a period drama for the BBC, or
something along the lines of Cold Feet.

What would be your dream next job?

If it's a musical, it would have to be something new and small, or an old Stephen Sondheim show with
a new cast.

What career would you have if not acting?

I couldn't do anything else.

What do you enjoy about the local area when you're not working?

I like exploring new places, new coffee bars & meeting up with people. Touring is a nice life - You
disappear into a bubble and real life doesn't exist any more.

Stage Fright: Arvid Larsen remembers his most embarrassing moment on stage:

I was understudying Jesus in Germany, but had been on a break in America. I flew over from Seattle
and was thrown in that night. I got to the point where Jesus sings, 'I have got no kingdom in this world'
and I completely forgot what I was supposed to sing. What came out was complete gobbledygook for
about five seconds. As it was in Germany and we were performing in English, I hope the audience
didn't realise, or just thought it was emotionally into the part.

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